Total Users on SVDL: 0 Total Users In LAN Lobby: 0Total Users In LAN Game: 0

What is S.V.D.L and why it better than already existing LAN tunnel programs

SOCOM Virtual Dedicated LAN is a LAN tunneling program that allows users to play the SOCOM games on LAN with other users. S.V.D.L was created to be a better alternative to already existing LAN Tunneling programs such as XLink Kai.

S.V.D.L slove a lot of problems people may face with other LAN tunneling programs.

S.V.D.L Not peer2peer and why that better

S.V.D.L is not peer2peer this make it very simple if you reachable with the S.V.D.L server you can play. This also sloves problems by hiding your IP address from wrong doers.

Made to be simple

S.V.D.L is made to be simple. You can just install and play without bullshit other LAN tunneling programs have. You don't have to play orbital hopper like XLink Kai.

In game imrpovements

S.V.D.L improves in game functions something no other LAN Tunneling does. S.V.D.L fix a good amount of in game functions the list is below.

    Room over lapping is fixed with S.V.D.L
    Force joining is fixed on S.V.D.L. A problem that causes people to get disconnect when someone keep attemping to join.
    Bad behavior monitoring. S.V.D.L can detect a number of existing exploits that wrong doer clowns do.

In game add on features

    32 player small map on option Combiend Assault
    No player limit option Combiend Assault
    Bypass you don't meet mission requires on CO-OP